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NEW: Travellers by Roger Taylor

Travellers cover

Travellers, the new science fiction novel by Roger Taylor, is now available from good ebook stores everywhere, including Amazon (for Kindle), iBooks, Smashwords, Google Play Books, Kobo, Barnes & Noble (for Nook Books), or read it with a Scribd subscription.

The blurb:

Refugees from the worlds of the galactic centre are seeking a planet on which to make a new home far from the reach of pursuers. They are running dangerously low on resources, and with nowhere else to go the only suitable planet they have found is already inhabited. Its civilisation is dangerously unstable.

Can Taithur, the leader, morally and ethically justify taking the planet, potentially destroying the indigenous and sentient inhabitants?

For more info, please see the Travellers page on mushroom-ebooks.com.